
face emoji with mask on

abstract virus molecule


  • Numbers of positive cases have increased in the United States.  Please click over to the CDC website for more information. Keep away from crowds, stay home, and boost your immunity.  For those that do not require hospitalization, follow the CDC’s home care guide and guidance for home isolation.  Please contact us if you feel you have symptoms of coronavirus listed below.
  • We will be screening all patients prior to your appointments.  Those with symptoms of COVID-19 will be met in the parking for further assessment and screening.

Firstly, if you think you or someone in your family has coronavirus, stay calm.  Call your healthcare provider and get evaluated. 

Coronavirus is a common virus that causes a group of respiratory illnesses that spread either from animals to humans or from humans to humans.  It can cause minor symptoms similar to that of the common cold.  However, it can also cause more severe infections, like pneumonia, bronchitis, SARS, or MERS.  Coronavirus is most dangerous in those with weakened immunity, as with the very old, the very young, or those who already have existing medical problems. 

Symptoms of Coronavirus

Symptoms typically appear between 2 and 14 days after exposure.


The virus causing COVID-19, or coronavirus disease 2019, is called SARS-CoV-2.  It is believed to have originated in a market in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, where there are many interactions between live animals and humans. 

Due to the increased risk of spreading at airports, certain airports will be screening people traveling from Wuhan, including LAX and SFO, for any respiratory symptoms or fevers.  However, those recently exposed to coronavirus may not yet be exhibiting symptoms.  Please practice good hygiene and protect yourself from viruses.  

How is COVID-19 spread? 

  • Spreading infected droplets by coughing or sneezing
  • Touching an infected item, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes 
  • Close contact with an infected person (e.g. shaking hands, kissing, hugging) 
  • Contact with infected feces

Coronavirus Prevention

  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Don’t touch your face, particularly your mouth, nose, and eyes with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid contact with infected people.  
  • Boost your immunity.
  • If you are sick, stay home, protect others, cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing, wash your hands frequently, and clean surfaces after you’ve come in contact with them. 


A simple lab test can help to diagnose or rule out COVID-19.  If you are having symptoms and have recently traveled to Wuhan, China, or had contact with someone who has, please make an appointment to see your provider.  Some local labs, including LabCorp, are now able to detect coronavirus.  

viruses viewed through a microscopeTreatment

There is no current vaccine for the 2019 coronavirus.  Researchers are likely already working on a vaccine, though it may not be ready for some time.  There is no current treatment for COVID-19.

Home Remedies  

For information on disease outbreak news and COVID-19, please visit the CDC, the AAP, and the WHO websites.  For questions or comments, please respond to this page or contact us

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