Holistic Care Blog

Holistic Care Blog

Video Games

Video games can have positive cognitive effects. However, how much is too much video game time? In this crazy society of devices and Internet access, parents

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Secondhand Smoke and Children

Whether you are a smoker or a non-smoker, we all know that smoking is terrible for our health and for the health of the people

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Asthma is a respiratory disorder that causes inflammation and constriction of our bodies’ airways.  Firstly, according to the CDC, asthma is prevalent in 9.3% of

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Staph Infections

Staph infections are bacterial infections that usually manifest in a sore or wound on the skin.  These infections may seem to pop out of nowhere

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Attention-Deficit Disorders

Parents of kids diagnosed with attention-deficit disorders have varying challenges in their day-to-day life.  First of all, you might find your kid to be inattentive,

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Eating While Pregnant

Soon-to-be moms have an added concern about eating while pregnant. One of the best ways to prepare for your kid-in-waiting is to eat well while

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Plastics in our daily items have become a threat to our health and safety.  Plastics in bottles, food containers, and household items contain chemicals that

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Probiotics serve us as living “good bacteria” for our digestive tracts.  Though it may seem odd, many consume these living microorganisms for the benefit of

baby lying on belly
Holistic Care Blog


Most adults with babies have one or two spit-up stains on beloved band tees and well-worn sweatshirts. Harried moms have been covered in that icky

Holistic Care Blog

You and the Flu

Seasonal influenza can be devastating for those with special health care needs, pregnant women, and medically fragile children and seniors.  For the rest of us,

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