7 Ways to Boost Immunity

Boost your immunity during the cold and flu season, and protect yourself and your family from some of the negative effects of vaccines! The following vitamin supplements and immunity tips may help you to avoid getting sick this season. In addition, boosting your or your kids’ immunity can help them to avoid some side effects of vaccines.  Read more about GHT’s progressive vaccine plan on our website.

Boost Immunity Naturally

1. Vitamin A

Not only does Vitamin A boost immune function and vision, but it is also imperative to kids’ neurological health. Vitamin A can be ingested as a supplement and is found in kids’ multivitamins and in cod liver oil.

For parents: Provide your child vitamin A three days before and ten days after a vaccine. It’s important not to take too much of this vitamin.  Do not give your infant supplements unless directed to do so by a pediatric healthcare provider. Breastfeeding moms can take their vitamins in supplement form, and those vitamins will be passed to your infant through your breastmilk.

2. Vitamin C

This is a great antioxidant, meaning it protects your body from the damage of free radicals (like pollution, cigarette smoke, etc).  Vitamin C can also be taken in supplement form, in multivitamins or in specific tabs (kids tend to like the gummies).  You can also increase Vitamin C through diet.  It is found in citrus fruits, other fruits/veggies (broccoli or strawberries), and fortified foods.

Give your kid Vitamin C once a day for five days, starting on the day of the vaccine.  Choose child-friendly vitamins and always read all labels carefully. Breastfeeding moms can take their vitamins in supplement form, and those vitamins will be passed to your infant through your breastmilk.

3. Omega 3’s

Omega-3 fatty acids may help in a myriad of ways, including metabolism, decreasing inflammation, and mental health.  Omega-3s are found in fish oil, flaxseed, breastmilk, and some fruits and vegetables.

4. Probiotics

Probiotics can help to boost immunity by regulating internal and intestinal immunity.  They can be ingested through a supplement, in some foods like yogurt, and some health powders and drinks. Infants should only be given probiotic supplements if directed by their healthcare provider.

5. Limit chemical exposure and junk foods

Avoid cigarette smoke, and eat organic!  Be sure to limit your sugar intake, as we know that sugar weakens the immune system.

6. Fruits and Veggies

Other than being all-around good, organic fruits and vegetables contain healthy vitamins. Many of us don’t get enough as is! If you can’t get enough fruits and veggies in your diet, be sure to pick up a supplement that can be spread over food or taken in vitamin form. For parents: gummies make it really easy to convince a kid to take their vitamins!

7. Breastfeeding

One of the greatest and most important parts of immunity is that provided to us by our mother’s milk in our first and second year of life.

Vaccine Safety

We at Growing Healthy Together support and respect each of your choices.  Though the benefits typically outweigh the risks with vaccinations, many of them do have side effects. However, we recommend that you choose to vaccinate.  Those of us with healthy immune systems are less likely to experience a serious reaction to a vaccine. This is why it’s important to boost your child’s immunity and help them lead a healthy life.  Finally, visit this CDC page on vaccines and use the links to explore diseases and the vaccines that prevent them, tips for less stressful shot visits, and who should not get vaccinated.

We at GHT like to use a progressive vaccine plan where we spread out your vaccination schedules.  Instead of giving your infant or child all of their yearly vaccines at once, we like to see them throughout the year.  We stagger vaccines.  This way, we can reduce vaccine reactions and we can isolate them to determine what exactly is causing your child’s reaction.


For questions or concerns, please contact us or make an appointment to come see us at our office.

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